Hasta La Vista
A genre-blending short film which sets dance, music and an ethereal aesthetic against a backdrop of friendship, love, lust and betrayal.
Nominated for the Discovery Award at Dublin Film Festival and Best Cork Short at Cork Film Festival.
Directed by Laragh McCann
Starring Stephanie Dufresne, Jordanne Jones, Adam Devereux, Sean Doyle, Viva Dean
Produced by Aaron Mc Enaney
DOP - Albert Hooi
Music and Sound Mix Frank Sweeney
Edit by Laragh McCann, Michael Donnelly V & Allyn Quigley
Sound Recorder Caimin Agnew
Special thanks to David Grier, Yamamori Tengu, Jason Foran, Kite Studios, Teach Solais, Robbie Delaney, Alistair Farrant, Beth Quigley, Kate Hynes, Catherine Crowe, Kean Kavanagh, James O’Donoghue, Kojaque