
Laragh is the founder and creative director of several environmental initiatives that merge fashion, film and community into climate solutions.

Where is She Project

| Founder & Creative Director

The Where is She Project launched in September, 2023 in the Academie du Climat in Paris, and in the Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin.

It aims to support women, girls and anyone who identifies with their inner feminine who cares about the environment, wants to do something but hasn't yet found their place to get involved in a meaningful way.

The project is a safe space to find our unique role in climate action from the heart, by prioritising developing inner emotional resilience and community as the foundation to creating a clear vision of how to get started.

This is achieved through watching film, taking part in community events and becoming educated through holistic, online courses with experts.

The project aims for womxn to find their way to contribute impact-fully with confidence as part of a creative, supportive and kind community of people working together to create a healthier home. To learn more visit www.whereissheproject.com

Friends of the Earth

| Communications Officer

Laragh was a part-time Communications Officer for Friends of the Earth from 2022 - 2024. In this role she carefully observed everything there was to know about the running of an environmental charity organisation. The highlight of her time with Friends of the Earth was documenting and working with schools across the country who broke down barriers to not only earn solar panels for their own buildings, but made it possible for every school in Ireland to receive government funded solar panels putting renewable energy at the heart of their communities.

Claudia Dallek, Finance Manager at Friends of the Earth Ireland - “It has been an incredible pleasure working with Laragh, and the work she has done for the organisation has really managed to showcase some of the more invisible sides of the work we have been doing. Laragh brought a person-centred approach to all of the projects. Laragh brought an incredible amount of creativity and an amazing level of enthusiasm to our projects!”

Climate Love Ireland

| Founder & Creative Director

Founded in 2019, Climate Love Ireland is a community-led non-profit organisation dedicated to connecting Climate Lovers to nature and local climate action to create system change.

With 13k followers and hundreds of volunteers nationwide the community has held tree planting days, forest bathing and hiking events, numerous clean-ups, up-cycling workshops, film screenings, expert panels, facilitated numerous collaborations with like-minded initiatives, ran successful anti-plastic campaigns and more.

Its most recent success was preventing impending development of the beautiful beach of Maghermore in Wicklow from proceeeding. In a matter of days Climate Love gathered over 12k signatures, shared template letters, community stories of the beach and educational videos explaining the ins and outs of planning permission to make it easier for community members to stand up effectively for the beach and our natural spaces in general. The precious beach once under threat of a hotel, now remains untouched.

To learn more visit www.climateloveireland.com

Climate Love Fashion

| Founder & Creative Director

Climate Love Fashion was conceptualised by Laragh in 2019. The heart is a symbol of pride to wear on clothes on their new or extended life, aiming also to be a catalyst for story telling behind garments.

It is a fundraising fashion campaign for Climate Love Ireland that simultaneously strives to raise awareness of the impacts of the fashion industry on people and planet, harnessing the exciting power of fashion to educate and empower each other to be part of fun and accessible solutions to the climate crisis.

This project has partnered with NCBI Charity Shops, Nine Crowes Vintage, Green Schools and has explored using the heart logo as a template for various reused materials partnering with the likes of the Upcycle Movement, ReDiscovery Centre and NCAD. This initiative was mentioned as One to Watch in Irish Tatler.


Climate Ambassador, An Taisce

| Outstanding Achievement Award 2021

The Climate Ambassador programme is Ireland’s first ever initiative to train and support individuals taking action on climate change. The programme is co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce with support from the Department of Communication, Climate Action and Environment.

Gary Tyrrell, An Taisce - “Visionary, passionate, dedicated. These are words to describe our next Climate Ambassador. Quietly going about her business thoughtfully and strategically, she brings an energy and vibrancy that is truly inspirational. With an activity log as long as my arm, this go-getter has really led by example. She has been incredibly busy with everything from founding and leading the brilliant Climate Love Ireland movement, to organising litter picks and tree plantings. She spoke in such a considered and though-provoking way about fast fashion at one of our webinars earlier this year, bringing a wealth of experience with her from that industry. As a progressive and forward-thinking creative leader, involved in a huge array of projects, including a documentary that is due for release next year and by show-casing what can be done when collaborating throughout her community, this Climate Ambassador is someone who has a very bright future ahead of them – and I cannot wait to see what she achieves next.”